
What is Affron®


Affron® is a patented and clinically proven (9+ clinical studies) saffron extract that supports your mental wellness needs and helps maintain a normal, healthy attitude for women experiencing perimenopause.  Affron® is considered the saffron of choice for those wishing to achieve and maintain health levels of mood, sleep quality, and cognitive health. In the 9+ published clinical studies, researchers proved that Affron® helps you:

Improve how you feel during periods of occasional stress and tension
Maintain a positive mood
Improve sleep quality associated with occasional sleeplessness
Positively impact your overall mental wellness

Affron® is the only saffron extract standardized to 3.5% Lepticrosalides® (US10933110B2), by HLPC. Lepticrosalides® is the scientific name for the natural compounds found in saffron and provides the primary benefits to this powerful spice. By assuring these compounds are in identical amounts (standardized) with each batch created, you are assured you are taking the same product with each dose consumed.

Affron® is:

Effective: published clinical studies prove Affron® is effective for alleviating occasional stress, maintaining a healthy mood, avoiding occasional sleeplessness, and supporting normal cognitive health overall mental wellness. 

Safe and effective for adolescents: A recent study proved Affron® helps promote an overall positive mental health outcome as perceived by the adolescents (ages 12 and up). 

Fast: A study showed that is rapidly absorbed into your body in just 1 hour. 

Easily tolerated:
Safety studies have shown that Affron® is not only well-tolerated and has shown ZERO adverse effects.

Non-Drowsy but helps you sleep better: Recently, Affron® has shown positive effects on promoting non-REM sleep cycle (Rapid Eye Movement). During its deep stages, the body strengthens the immune system and repairs itself, regrowing tissues and building bones and muscles. 

Clean: Affron® is non-GMO, no pesticides, no allergens and is not adulterated.

Why do you need Affron


Who doesn’t have mental wellness needs? Everyday stress caused by an abundance of situations and circumstances can all lead to your mental health decline.  

Examples such as family problems, financial challenges, problems at work, all play a role in our mental health and wellness.

Want help?  
Affron® helps support your mental wellness needs. Published clinical studies prove affron® helps improve how you feel during occasional stress. These studies also showed improvements in sleep quality, associated with occasional sleeplessness and helped subjects maintain a positive mood. In short, affron® positively impacts your overall mental wellness

Our teenagers struggle with mental wellness too!
School, family, social media, health concerns and more all play a role in your child’s health.
‍Affron® is also safe and effective for our those 12-years and up. A recent study proved that affron® helpedt a healthy mental state as perceived by the teenagers.   

Have trouble sleeping?
Occasional stress and other can all contribute to occasional sleeplessness. Affron® has also shown to improve sleep quality in adults with self-reported complaints of occasional sleeplessness.
Additionally, Affron® has shown positive effects on promoting non-REM sleep cycle (Rapid Eye Movement). This is important because during deep stages, the body strengthens the immune system and repairs itself, regrowing tissues and building bones and muscles.

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